The new version of Polo is very weak, and I do mean pathetically weak. It’s a skin scent on the dry down, seriously. 15 minutes in and I have to get within 3” to smell it. I laugh today when I hear people call the new formulation a beast hahaha
When I think about the original that I wore in 1981 and the bottle from 12 years ago, it is a shell of its former self. It still smells like Polo but I would call it Polo light. Might as well call it Polo L’eau because it smells like it’s watered down.
To be honest, after doing a side by side, they would almost be identical to a novice. The quality is marginally higher in the Ralph Lauren, it’s definitely greener…more pine, but very slight. Opening of Polo is brighter, dry down almost indistinguishable. I would almost say I like the Classic Match better, it’s smoother. An hour later still close, Classic Match has the edge. I did a triple spray in the same spot with CM and a double with Polo. CM smells and is projecting better after 2 hours. Polo is now just a skin scent.
Longevity for both is about the same, not great, maybe 2 to 4 hours at best.
For the money you just can’t beat the Classic Match for $7.98.
Polo was a stud of a fragrance back in the day. It was amazing for its time. I couldn’t believe anything could smell so good. I had very few possessions at that time as a struggling young man, but I found a way to budget and buy a 3.4 ounce. I took it with me everywhere I went lol and it worked so well with my chemistry. The point being, it was just that damned good! As they say, the little things in life
Today? Pickup Classic Match or even Quorum. Both are truly better than the current version of Polo. Quorum in its current formulation is much better than Polo. I paid $56.99 for a $2 ounce bottle of Polo, and $15 for Quorum. Quorum today is also lighter than older formulations, even a decent office fragrance. I believe this was done with purposeful intent. It’s longevity is gone, no longer like the days of old where you would get 10+ hours. More like 4 to 5.
Anyway, my 2 cents