Thanks for your time! So you say that even when the amount of alcohol I need for my 50ml bottle is 40gs of alcohol, I should do my maths as if it were 50gs. That´s right? Thing is that %15 of 40g is 6gs instead of those 7.5g I thought, but if I undesrtood correctly, It is better to work to work as if I had a 50gs bottle cpacity?
What I don´t understand, is that part when you say I better scale up my formula to 10gs. Let me see if I get what you´re saying. I prepare my concentrate in my bottle of 50ml, but instead of making 7.5g to achieve the %15 of the final product, I just work with a concentrate of 10g and then I need to extract 2.5g of that concentrate?
Sorry if I seem dumb with maths, but I am. I´ve read your response many times over and I´m not sure if I understood everything correctly. I know this should be simpler for me to understand, but I feel I have a huge confusion in my head right now.