Creed’s lies never made much difference to me because, like all my fragrances, I only buy them if I like the way they smell. For the most part, I considered their stories silly and harmless. They fooled me with a couple of their stories in my earliest days of buying their fragrances, but then it became quite apparent that they were just making things up. I could originally entertain the idea of JFK maybe wearing Vetiver 1948, or Princess Di wearing Royal Water, but the light came on after I heard the REALLY absurd stuff… Sigmund Freud wearing Selection Verte, Winston Churchill wearing vintage Tabarome, Royal English Leather launching in 1781, etc.
I think some people actually enjoy conjuring up images of wearing the same fragrance as some old movie star. Have their lies helped them sell fragrances? Of course they have. So in that regard, it can be considered wrong. But if it adds to one’s enjoyment of the fragrance, so be it. It doesn’t affect me. Ultimately, it’s all of no consequence.