Hello guys, I’m back (lol)
I haven’t touched my material for approximately 7 months, life reasons and whatnot, but recently i was cleaning the house and found my material in the fridge, lonely and forgotten.
So i tried mixing stuff, and i realized all the things i made do smell quite good, but they are somewhat ‘natural’, to say.
It is EO based, with some ac like sandalore, musk ketone.
Can anyone give me some ideas on what makes self-made perfume smell ‘perfumey’ (or expensive?)
I haven’t touched my material for approximately 7 months, life reasons and whatnot, but recently i was cleaning the house and found my material in the fridge, lonely and forgotten.
So i tried mixing stuff, and i realized all the things i made do smell quite good, but they are somewhat ‘natural’, to say.
It is EO based, with some ac like sandalore, musk ketone.
Can anyone give me some ideas on what makes self-made perfume smell ‘perfumey’ (or expensive?)
My latest one is:
Neroli 30%
Lime 10%
Lemon 10%
Cedarwood Virginia 25%
Vanilla 1.5%
Musk K 15%
Sandalore 5%
Fructone 3.5%
(I like the smell, i know the composition are quite wonky. Just wanna learn what’s needed to make it more ‘perfumey’)