Dolce & Gabbana has launched Q by Dolce & Gabbana, a new fragrance for women. Q by Dolce & Gabbana is the feminine counterpart to 2019’s K by Dolce & Gabbana.
Feminine, refined and powerful. Q by Dolce&Gabbana is a perfume that makes every woman feel like a contemporary queen.
Passion, strength, power: this is Q by Dolce&Gabbana. A woody and fruity Eau de Parfum, worthy of the strength and charisma of a true Queen.
Q was developed by perfumer Daphné Bugey. The notes include lemon, blood orange, jasmine, cherry, heliotrope, musk and cedar.
Q by Dolce & Gabbana is available in 50 and 100 ml Eau de Parfum.
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