(stock photo below….)……… Used up something! Amazing how much of a positive feeling I got from finishing something! Did not intend to wear this but was getting something out of counter below sink and it was setting there…. I threw a few near-empties there and forgot about them. Once I saw this had fewer than 30 sprays – one wearing!!! – remaining, had to use it up and free a bit of space. Someone recommended this around when I joined BN and started buying stuff. I found it to be the weakest fragrance of all time. I was up to like 20 sprays then learned about anosmia and figured was driving people nuts, but testing showed that others could not smell it either. Things don’t last as long when you bathe in them… I would not buy this again, even at <$5…. but do like the flask-like design. For a true beginner these are not a bad way to learn what a typical blue, red, black, etc style smells like for pocket change.